Young carers: information for professionals

What is a young carer?

A young carer is anyone under 25 who helps to look after someone with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem.  Being a young carer means doing extra jobs in and around the home, such as cooking, cleaning or helping someone get dressed and move around. Find out more.

Information and training for schools

We know how much pressure schools are under and how difficult it can be to identify and provide the right support to young people who are struggling.

We run free information and training sessions, assemblies and presentations for staff, pupils and organisations to help you identify young carers, understand the type of support they need, and know how to put it in place.  To find out more and talk about what training might be useful at your school, please email our Schools & Community Engagement Officer

Sophia has also started working on a new and exciting project to help schools and organisations to firstly identify young carers but then to put certain measure in place to help them with supporting the young carers. We are currently developing a programme which schools and organisations can ask us to run within their establishment.

Our services for young people in a nutshell

All ages

  • Drop-in and relax – social sessions after school where young people can meet, take a break, or even do their homework
  • Advice and support – age-appropriate advice and support to young carers and their families about particular challenges they may be facing
  • Art club – different art styles, day trips and working with guest speakers
  • Mentoring – for 15-25 years olds

Young people aged 5-16  

  • Half term trips and activities – we run a mix of free trips and activities targeted by age.
  • Trips away (residentials) – We run residentials, two or three times a year. The trips are completely free, all we need is a parent’s permission.

Read more about the support we provide and how to make a referral for someone in this age group.

Young people aged 17-25

  • Monthly activities – a programme of activities chosen by young carers where you can meet others and socialise away from their responsibilities.
  • Work experience – an opportunity to work with Carers Lewisham and gain experience in the office or on trips and activities with our carers aged 5-16.

Read more about the support we provide and how to make a referral for someone in this age group.

How to get support

Young people aged 17-25 can self-refer for our support, or you are welcome to refer them tp us.  To support young people aged 5-16, we need a referral from a professional – this could be a teacher, social worker, GP or someone else who supports you and/or the person you care for in a professional role.  You and the person making the referral need to fill out the form and return it by email to

Once we have received your referral form, we will be in touch with the young person within 3 5 working days to explain more about what we do and talk about how we can best support them, and we will also let you know that we have registered them.

Download a referral form for a young carer aged 5-16.

Download a referral form for a young adult carer aged 17-25.